By the 1960s, everybody said Henrietta was really hospitality and cooked good although she died in cancer and her cells was donated by Dr. Gey, and he never asked her family anything. Her cells have been bombed up in medical miracles, and could cure for some cancer and other things, even AIDS. In additional, the scientists laughed at HeLa cells that could survive on the other areas were so strong, and researchers experimented with the growing library of cells to make historic discoveries. They found out why normal cells stopped to grow and cancer cells didn't. Besides that George Gey and his others' cell culture who traveled from everywhere to discuss the future of cell culture found a technical problems in their field. The scientists had no ideas to against HeLa cells if they got mixed up in culture. And Deborah was a pregnant in the high school, Bobbette helped her to find job after she graduated whether she liked it or not. Moreover, Deborah's young brother rebelled with out of group although his family had hoped the military would help control. He killed his friend Ivy and felt guilty and wrote letter to criminal court judge. Finally, Gey died by pancreas cancer and he hoped a line of cancer cells taken from his pancreas, like Henrietta's, would become immortal. After Gey died in 1970, Henrietta's name was first published and she could enjoy the fame.
I think that the miracle was the most important for Henrietta because her cells become immoral, and she could cure other people although she didn't know.
Turpentine - p166 - The plant of oil
Breach - p167- break
Juvenile - p167- young children
peril - p167- danger
inmate - p167 - occupant
elusive - p175 - hard to catch
Why did the normal cells stop growing?
Why didn't the scientists say anything to her family?
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